Wednesday 10 November 2010

Ivory Towers and all things random...

Oh how the time flies! I can't believe we are more than half way through the semester and I pretty much know everyone on my programme by name and face (major drum roll!!! lol). I'm going to have to make this post mega short as I have to be in bed shortly (switches off telly and blackberry simultaneously), BIG day tomorrow (don't ask!). So Monday was interesting.....we had a mash up Interpersonal Skills session and got to see the other groups yay!!! (fresh minds to prey on lol). Sadly it was a pretty drab session not helped by the gloomy, wet weather we had ALL day (yuck!). On the upside, Team D (yes that would be me and 4 other equally creative and intelligent guys), won the Ivory Tower challenge (*cue music: All I do is win win win no matter what!! :-D*). Thrown into compulsory silence having been placed in groups of 5, we were asked to build an Ivory Tower, out of 10 sheets of paper and 2 rather short strips of sellotape in just 2 minutes...yikes! It was fun and things got heated towards the end as you know we MBAs are a naturally competitive bunch :-)
However, having withstood the test of paper planes, over enthusiastic hand gestures and other durability tests both expected and unexpected lol, we won! We have our last Interpersonal Skills session next Monday and I can tell you one thing for a fact......I'm gonna miss 'em!

On a brighter note, I just completed the first batch of another exciting group presentation and I have 2 more to tackle *yawn* (I really must work harder at getting a social life!). Good night scribblers I'll be back sooner than you think muah!

P.S. I just realised this is my 50TH BLOG POST OMG OMG OMG I'm so proud of me!!!!! *hugs self tight* To all my readers I luv you guys!!! Thanks for the support I promise to keep blogging so long as my imagination and life remain somewhat interesting :-)