Saturday, 3 July 2010

Scribble BUZZ!!!

It's a relatively humid late Saturday night (or early Sunday morning) in London and for once in a long time, I'm alone. It feels strangely sad but I am somehow grateful to have the down time. Call me stingy or boring but sometimes a girl just needs to do her thing and now I've got my blog, I can do what I enjoy best......writing :-). Speaking of which, I was quite overwhelmed by the number of people who came up to me at a surprise birthday party earlier today, saying they had read a few of my blog posts and couldn't wait to see what more I had up my sleeves. Excited much! But no pressure huh! Truth is I have been scribbling away mentally since my last post but I've probably been too busy having way too much fun to settle down to some proper writing. Well remixing Black Eyed Peas' I gotta Feeling, I'm singing out loud "Tonight's the night, let's write it up!"
Now for that fresh pot of Twinnings Camomile tea, I find I write best when I'm ummm calm :-)