Aside from better chances of securing a place at a top ranked UK university, thanks to your coveted international fees, I struggle to find any other great joy of having the Nigerian passport. Its dirty green colour certainly borders on offensive, at least in comparison to the British burgundy or American navy blue. The fact you have to apply for a Schengen visa (nightmare!) just to travel within Europe is retarded (someone needs to sort this out). What exactly are the perks of being a Commonwealth nation?
Even though I've never quite had any dramatic experiences with immigration officers, I am not entirely unaware of the one too many questions they tend to ask you because of your questionable nationality. Or the way they make you wait for all the EU/UK/US passport holders to pass through, before attending to you as they do in some Greek and French airports. Yes we don't have it as bad as some other countries like Pakistan, but I really detest my passport sometimes and even though I am a VERY proud Nigerian at heart, I am not such a proud one when it comes to carrying my passport around. I confess, I have several passport covers which I deploy for specific trips; the simple black cover is for business trips, the vibrant orange cover is for group holidays with my girls and the dark brown leather (European Union labelled) cover is for solo trips (a bit extreme I know lol!).
There is also the cost and stress of renewing your million and one visas. Securing a Schengen visa is the definition of cumbersome. Where possible, do yourself a favour, use an agency! Otherwise get organised and plan well ahead of your trip (trust me I learnt the hard way). While US embassy trips are just a right pain in the backside (lets not even get into the over the top security checks.....Americans and their "oversabi" (translation: know it all). And lets not forget how it stifles your productivity at work, as you can't just up and go on an unexpcted business trip because you need a visa or the one you already have needs renewal grrrr (I almost missed a very important business trip to NY a few years ago thanks to this).
For whatever sins I may have committed in my past life, I have been cursed with a Nigerian passport in this one and I can't wait to get my hands on my British passport (fondly called "the red" by we green passport holders). Yes I said it!
P.S. Anyone want to help me complete my form? I pay good money......